
Why is Double Glazing So Beneficial for Your Home?

If you look up and down the street, there’s a good chance you will see a fair number of white windows and doors.  That’s usually the sign that someone has had the installation of double glazing in their home.  If you have single glazed windows in your home, why might you want to consider upgrading?  What are the benefits of double glazing in Telford that would make you want to switch?

Beneficial for Your Home

What is double glazing?

As the name suggests, double glazing consists of two panes of glass rather than the one that was traditional.  But it is a bit more than that because the panes of glass are separated by air or sometimes even certain gases and this helps them to insulate your property, keep the warm air in and the cold air out.  This helps reduce draughts and lower your heating bills.

The design of double glazing also insulates against sound and means you don’t hear as much noise as you would with single pane windows.  They can also help to reduce the amount of condensation that can build up in the house.  And their design is also more secure than a single pane style.

Do they save you money?

Some 60% of homeowners who have upgraded to double glazing said they have noticed that their home is warmer after the change and nearly 40% say they have noticed a change in their heating bills.  According to the Energy Trust, if you were to replace all single glazed windows in a semi-detached house you could save over £100 a year on your bills with top rated quality glass.

Another thing to consider is that double glazing lasts for at least 20 years.  So when you think of that saving over the lifespan of the windows, you could be saving over £2000.  It could be even higher as the cost of gas and electricity keeps on increasing.

What frame can you choose?

The majority of homes with double glazing have uPVC windows – or unplasticised polyvinyl chloride if you want its full name.  This is the most energy efficient type of window frame, durable, recyclable and also three times cheaper than wood frames.  They come in a range of colours and even wood effect finishes and are low maintenance.

Aluminium or timber frames can also be an option.  Timber is a renewable material and has a more traditional look but does need regular maintenance.  Aluminium is very strong and durable, needs little maintenance but can look a little industrial for some homes.

What is the Window Energy Rating (WER) system?

When you get a quote for new windows, you will hear about the Window Energy Rating system or WER.  This labels windows from A+ at the top to G at the bottom.  Under building regulations, all new windows need to be at least C-rated.

The higher rated the window, the more energy efficient it will be and the higher the saving you will make.  But it also allows you some flexibility as higher rated windows do cost more.

Double glazing suppliers in Telford

“With over 40 years of experience Newport Windows & Doors offer great service and amazing value for money.”

Ian W.

Newport Doors and Windows Trust-a-Trader